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Jello 1-2-and a Half? April 16, 2009

Posted by Toy Lady in Cooking, Food, random stuff.

Does anyone remember this stuff?

PhotobucketJello 1-2-3?

I think my mother bought a couple of boxes of this when I was a kid – probably with a coupon – and she tried it once.

This stuff is the coolest Jello-ever!  😯

You add water, mix it up, and it magically makes three layers.

Jell-o is just cool.  😀

And I am speaking as someone who lives within spitting distance of the Jello Museum.

Yeah.  Jello 1-2-3 was some neat stuff, and I have no idea why they discontinued it.  😕

PhotobucketHowever, Kraft, the parent company of Jello, has developed a faux Jell-o 1-2-3 recipe, which, while not quite the same, is darned close to the level of original plasticity and cultish goodness.  😆

And it only costs a box of Jell-o and a tub of (light) Cook Whip.

How cool is that, right?  Add to one box of Jello (I prefer red – any red) 3/4 cup of boiling water.

Many years ago, when I was waitressing, our Jell-o used to come in big packages labeled as “RED JELL-O.”  That was it, just “RED.”  😯

So anyway, to your dissolved red Jello, add 3/4 cup of cold water mixed with enough ice to equal 1 and 1/4 cup.

Throw the whole mess in a blender and blend.

PhotobucketThen add 1/2 cup of “Light” Cool Whip.

A word about Cool Whip.  I’m not really sure what that stuff actually is, but it’s kind of tasty.  I grew up on the stuff, after all.

It’s creamy and sweet and, well, whipped.

And not cream.

But still. . .


So we add 1/2 cup of Lite Cool Whip to the Jell-o mixture in the blender.

OK then.

Blend until smooth (as if it really takes much to make Jell-o and Cool Whip actually smooth), then we’ll divide into serving dishes.

We used water glasses.

PhotobucketAfter all, if you’re going to go to the trouble of breaking out the blender to make layers, I want to be darned good and sure I get a chance to enjoy them, you know?

I knew you’d understand.  🙂

So we divided the gelatin mixture between two glasses and shoved them in the fridge to chill for a while.

And chill they did, right there in the fridge.


Once the dessert has had a chance to set, you can actually start to see the layers.  Maybe not exactly the three layers of Jell-o 1-2-3 fame, but still.  Definite layers.  😯

Clearly, we need to be a little more even handed when dishing the dessert into glasses – the foam-to-solid ratio obviously differs between dessert dishes. . . and that’s not cool.  😯


Unless you manage to make up for it by topping your dessert with a scoop of Cool Whip and some fresh berries.  . . then who really cares about the solid-to-foam ratio anyway?

Yes, ultimately, it’s a “dessert” that tastes like, well, like red Jell-o.  But we can make it elegant by the addition of some additional Cool Whip and a fresh berry topping . . .

I think the proper term is “ooh la la.”  😛


1. Mazco - April 16, 2009

Showing my age here; not only do I remember the stuff, but I remember the commercial: bunch of kids eating it and describing it. One kid referred to the middle section as “The Sauce.”

To me, “The Sauce” always meant something else.
Something they mix with Jell-o to get Jell-o Shots.

It’s a small world we live in.

Toy Lady - April 17, 2009

OK, I just barely remember the commercials – though apparently they were still advertising as late as 1989. . . somehow, I thought it was much older than that. 😯

And I guess I missed out on Jell-o shots. The thought kind of grosses me out. Probably because my first “sick inna hedge” experience involved booze mixed with . . . Kool-Aid. 😯

2. judy - April 18, 2009

Oh my, I still have my 500000000 ways to fix Jello cook book. My family liked Jello salads. The favorite was orange Jello with grated carrots in it, served on a bed of lettuce topped with my dear deceased mothers home made in a double boiler salad dressing. Yes, I have that recipe too. No one ever gets rid of “grandma’s” recipes in her handwriting. Priceless memories.


Toy Lady - April 19, 2009

My mother’s favorite was always my grandmother’s recipe for “the green salad” – green Jello with cottage cheese, pineapple, and mayonnaise and probably a couple of other things.

And the jello cake – I haven’t had that in YEARS!

Sad – I don’t even keep Jello in the house anymore – I remember when my mother used to have, literally, a drawer full!

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