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Monday Musings: 05.12.2014 Edition May 12, 2014

Posted by Toy Lady in random stuff.


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Yup, spring is here!

And with it comes all that Spring stuff – like yard work and gardening.

Peeps mowed the lawn for the first time this season, and it seems that we’re going to be looking for another lawnmower soon, which, yes, we knew last fall.

And we got our seed potatoes planted – we’re trying the potato cage method this year.  Last year’s potato crop was a somewhat disappointing use of my limited garden space.  I hope this works out a little better – I’ll keep you updated, for sure!


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This weekend was also the first week of the Flower City Days at the public market – you can basically get anything “outside” related that you might be in the market for – and plenty of stuff you’re not!

I did get plenty of plants:  tomatoes, broccoli, several herbs, and flowers.

Peeps did NOT get the giant pig grill, though.

But he’s mighty cool, isn’t he?


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Okay, here is where you’re going to be forced to say “that’s just wrong.”  And to be honest, I won’t blame you.

See, it’s like this.  We were walking the dog at the park, when he wanted to go over and sniff a bush.

He does that – bushes are apparently prime message-leaving spots.

So anyway, he stuck his face deep into the bush, and he pulled out . . . a rabbit!

It was dead, though fairly fresh – I suspect, based on the single neck wound,  that some cat had done it in and couldn’t be bothered to eat it.

While we have been working on “drop it” training with him, there’s a world of difference between dropping a ball or even an already-chewed bone, and dropping a fresh (ish) rabbit.

And I’ve learned my lesson about trying to take it away from him!

So . . . we marched him home, with his trophy firmly in hand mouth, and he just took his prize to the back yard where, well, we’ll just say that it did NOT come inside!


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So . . . you’re still here.  Good.

How about this for a nice dose of wrongability?

It seems that you can cook cinnamon rolls – In The Waffle Iron!

So yes, after we got home from the market, we had cinnamon rolls for lunch.

Yes, it’s wrong.

But we liked it.



And once again, it’s time for the weekly menu plan.  We’re looking forward to quite a bit of rain this week – the garden can use it, but that means no grilling, so we’ll be cooking indoors this week.

Monday – Last week’s chick pea curry was quite good – and since I used dried beans instead of canned, we had a bunch left over, which will be repurposed into falafel burgers.  Since they’re “burgers” we’ll serve them on buns instead of in pitas.  We’re the boss of our food, right?

Tuesday – A couple of weeks ago, I picked up some beef tenderloin tips on sale – they’re basically the end pieces that the butcher cuts off when he’s cutting filet mignons.  So. . . I thought we’d do some kind of beef tips, maybe pepper-crusted, then a red wine pan sauce.  We’ve got some fingerling potatoes to roast and some baby spinach to saute.

Wednesday – I pulled some chicken “cutlets” from the freezer – they’re basically the hunk of chicken I trim off the breasts to make them a reasonable size.  I usually treat them like chicken tenders.  This time I’ll bread and bake them.  Who doesn’t like breaded chicken tenders?  I think we’ve got broccoli left from last week, too.

Thursday – For Minimal Effort Thursday, we’ve got some sausage that will go beautifully in risotto.  Before you ask, yes, risotto certainly is minimal effort – and it takes less than 10 minutes in the pressure cooker!

Friday – And here it is, pizza night already!  I’ve still got plenty of the eggplant sauce I made last summer – it’s so good!  We’ve also got roasted sausage in the freezer, and I’m not positive, but I think there are even some roasted artichokes somewhere, too.

Be sure to click on over to The Organizing Junkie’s Monday Menu Plan post for loads and loads of other ideas.




1. Anne - May 12, 2014

My mother in law admitted last night that they recently had banana splits for supper. So when I say “Mom would be so proud”, I mean it! 😀

Toy Lady - May 13, 2014

LOL – remember when we were kids we thought grownups got to do whatever they wanted and eat whatever they wanted? HA! We were right!

2. sjbraun - May 13, 2014

Oh, that picture does hurt my bunny-loving heart … the waffles look amazing though, as does the cool pig grill 🙂 I’ll be interested in following the potato adventure. I’ve never grown them, just because they’re so cheap to buy.

Toy Lady - May 13, 2014

I know, the whole rabbit thing – 😦

The waffle roll thing, though – not too bad! I’d be interested in trying from-scratch cinnamon rolls, though. I’d rather not have to make EIGHT at a time! 😆

3. Karen - May 15, 2014

The rabbit just icked me out – the big Girl dog we had once came out of our shed with a rat and you can bet we got that disgusting thing away from her asap (it was dead, we had a problem, we STILL have a problem and yes, we do live in suburbia). But she was cool with it, disappointed, but cool. Mr. Happy (our now dog since Girl died and a golden) could no more be bothered to pick up a dead anything – he’s special. Funny – she ate everything and anything that moved or didn’t, he only wants his dog food or the cats cat food. He’s still special, either way. Dumber than dirt (bless his heart) and happy as a clam. Unless it thunders, fifty miles away and then WHOLLY GUACAMOLE all bets are off. Hes’ so cute. Anyhoo …

Peeps should have gotten the pig grill.

No food, at any time, cooked any way, is wrong – EVER – and double NEVER WRONG if you especially enjoy it! (and I’ll bet you enjoyed that brunch)

Glad y’all finally got spring to summer. It’s gonna be a hot one in Louisiana this summer. Hopefully the garden actually produces.

Good luck!

Toy Lady - May 15, 2014

Oh my gosh, Karen, Jar hates thunder too! We’ve had storms off and on for the past couple of days, and he wants NO PART of it! He’s been camped out next to the bed panting. 🙄

And yes, the cinnamon rolls were a nice change – you know, I try so hard to eat healthy and blah blah blah, but I think, every now and then it’s a good thing to fall off that wagon, make a pig out of myself, and then carry on. 🙂 Speaking of pigs . . . that thing was RIDICULOUS! 😆 It was huge and “hand-crafted” (read: NOT CHEAP!). I’m trying to convince my former-welder son that THAT might be a fun way to pick up a few extra bucks – metal as art/tools/cool stuff. So far he’s not on board.

I feel for you in La. – from the looks of it thus far, it’s liable to be hot and muggy here this summer – I can only imagine how brutal it’ll be that far south. . . better start making sangria. 🙂

Karen - May 17, 2014

Whoa! Forgot about the welder son – this could be a very lucrative sideline for him. He needs to get in touch with his “artsy” side. Anyone who works with their hands has one, sometimes they just don’t know it. He could definitely be an artisan. He’s got it in him, I’m sure of it. As soon as he finishes one and sells it he’ll be hooked. Good side-line.

Spent 3 hours at the PMACK tonight (LSU basketball stadium) watching D1 graduate. Double major (modern history and anthropology) with a minor in Italian. She would love an internship at the Smithsonian or any place else historical (dragging my kids to museums all their lives has sorta paid off – they are all in love with history). I’m thinking she’s going to be saying “you want fries with that” for a little while before she takes her grad test to go for her PhD (that is “our” ultimate goal).

In other words – bring me the entire recipe of sangria – and a straw – I have #3 in her 2nd year of college. I might need even more sangria.

Toy Lady - May 18, 2014

Karen, sounds like you need a good margarita recipe too . . . 😆

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