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Keep your fingers crossed April 13, 2012

Posted by Toy Lady in Work.
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I think the worst is over.

Today (Thursday) I sent out five (FIVE!) sets of documents for signatures.

That’s five “Large” FedEx boxes, each stuffed with closing transcripts, bonds, agreements, contracts, and each going to a different part of the state.

To put it in lay terms, that’s a TON of work.

Okay, not really a ton.  About 75 pounds, though, all told.

And about $40 million, but that’s neither here nor there – it’s the same amount of work whether it’s $20 million or just $2 million.

So anyway, I’m thinking the worst of it is over – I went from averaging 10 bond sales a week to . . . let’s see, just three this week, and four next.

I may get my life back soon. . .

Monday Musings: 04.09.2012 Edition April 9, 2012

Posted by Toy Lady in meal plan monday, random stuff.
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Another market week – and it’s starting to look like a real farmers’ market again!

Granted, there’s not much in season yet – I was hoping for asparagus, but it’s still a little early here.  And, while I could pick up some South or Central American asparagus, I prefer to wait until it’s local – and fresh.  Just another couple of weeks at most.

I think a lot of the farmers are clearing out last year’s harvests, but it’s sure nice to come home with some of the stuff we love – apple cider, (more) leeks, collard greens. . . and potatoes.  Lots of potatoes.


Of course, one of my favorite parts of the Public Market is the opportunity to try new things – especially ethnic foods.

We’ve loved the empanadas for years  (I like to buy a bunch, wrap & freeze them, and reheat for weekday breakfasts), and this week, I discovered steamed pork buns – they were 2 for $3, which, I think, is quite a deal.



One thing that I did pick up this weekend, fresh and in season – wild catnip.

Yes, catnip.  I figured ol’ fuzzy butt could use a little spring in her step.  The farmer assured me that, yes, it’s just like cultivated catnip, only stronger.




Well, I don’t know about stronger, but it sure did lure the kitty out and into the kitchen.  She didn’t realize the dog was outside with his Saturday Afternoon Bone, though, so she had a bit of a paranoid thing going on.  Not that she let that stop her from enjoying her . . . herb.



I decided, since I’ve been working so much, and since it was a holiday weekend (and since I worked most of the the day Good Friday, even though the office was officially closed) I decided that I was going to take the entire weekend off for a change.

Though I spent some time just lazing around, I did get some yardwork and gardening done – the garlic, fortunately, has been doing just fine without me, though.


As has the rhubarb that I planted last year!

I did decide, though, that it might be a good idea to fence the rhubarb in.  It got pretty seriously trampled last fall – the pitter-patter of puppy feet, I guess.



Though it’s a bit late, I did finally get some lettuce and spinach in the ground this weekend.

But not real spinach – I find that it bolts too fast, and it’s not worth the effort – we barely get to eat it once.  What I did plant was a “spinach-like” crop – New Zealand spinach.  It’s supposed to be more heat-tolerant, while tasting very much like actual spinach.

We shall see.



So I mentioned Stoner Kitty and her catnip, right?

Once she got over that paranoid thing (later on, when she KNEW the dog was out walking), she decided to come out and, first, have another little nip of catnip, and then, she wanted to play.

With ALL of the toys.


And then, a little later, I caught her all crashed out on the kitchen floor.



And, of course, Jar has been enjoying the spring weather again – sunny and warm, but not TOO hot for his dark coat.  He really does suffer in the summer, you know.

He’s also loving the fenced in yard – he can take a bone and go out to the yard with it, and he can move around at will (staying OUT of my garden, thank you!), and he can even chase squirrels (sort of).

But sometimes he just gets lonely, I think, and barks for me to come out and play with him.

I think he wants me to throw a tennis ball for him.



And once again, it’s time for the weekly menu plan.  You know that “April showers bring May flowers” thing?  Well, it’s looking like it’s going to be a mighty flowery May – we’ve got rain forecast for most of the week.  That’s all right, though – you don’t have to shovel rain.

Monday – Alaskan whitefish is on sale this week, and, since we haven’t had fish in a while, we thought it would be a nice change.  I think we’ll roast those green beans I picked up at the market to go with it, and maybe steam a little rice.

Tuesday – Taco Night!  We’re going to try carnitas in the pressure cooker and see how that goes (how could it be anything but fantastic?).  Meat is currently rubbed, Peeps will cook it Monday, and we’ll reheat it/saute it on Tuesday when we’re ready for dinner.

Wednesday –  A while ago, I pulled out several meatless options and left them for Peeps to choose from, and, overall, we’ve been fairly happy with them.  The last selection is Pueblo Corn Pie – it’s corn and beans and tomatoes and cheese – where’s the bad?

Thursday – Okay, this is getting to be a habit, I think.  There is one vendor at the market who still has lots of fingerling potatoes, of which I avail myself every time I see her.  We’ve decided that there is very little in this world more tasty than fingerling potatoes roasted alongside a chicken.  So. . . here’s hoping the chicken thaws out by Thursday.

Friday – Last week’s pizza night involved sliced leftover steak and caramelized onions – one of my favorite combinations!  This week, who knows?  I may be leaning toward pizza with carnitas and maybe some Montery Jack cheese. . .

Be sure to click on over to The Organizing Junkie’s Monday Menu Plan post for loads and loads of other ideas.



In what has become the status quo April 6, 2012

Posted by Toy Lady in random stuff.
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It’s been super busy around here again this week.

You know the drill – work stuff, dog stuff, more work stuff – it’s starting to get a little boring, to tell the truth.

But this is Good Friday.  And, although I’ll be spending at least part of the day at the office, I hope to have some time during the rest of the weekend to relax and enjoy the holiday.

Here’s a good start.

Monday Musings: 04.02.2012 Edition April 2, 2012

Posted by Toy Lady in meal plan monday, Musings, random stuff.
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Last week, we had this lovely warm stretch of weather – suddenly everything burst into bud or bloom!

(It was not so great for the sinuses, but there’s not much I could do about that!)

Anyway, Peeps’s mom has this tree in her back yard that was absolutely covered with white blossoms – and she has no idea what it is.  Of course, neither do I, but it sure was pretty.



You know, I used to tease my mother about taking pills “like old people.”

Then I got the dog, who really does take pills like old people!

A couple of months back, I found this (ahem) old people pill dispenser at the public market and picked it up – it’s perfect!  Jar only takes medications twice a day, so I can set up 2 weeks’ worth of pills for him at a time.

He is on 2 supplements, twice daily, for his joints, plus the Puppy Prozac in the mornings and an anti-inflammatory in the evenings, plus antacids in case the anti-inflammatory makes him nauseous.

Hey, we do what we have to for our pets, right?  Plus, it’s so good to see him NOT in pain all the time!


So we roasted this chicken, and I used some of the leftover meat in a soup.


Kitty knows what that means!

Chicken skin!

Doesn’t she look hungry?



Last week, we tried something new – Greens and Beans using fried kidney beans and escarole.

While we forgot to take any photos of its cooking, (and really, it was a matter of: dump some beans in a pan, brown them, turn them, add the onions and the greens, and cook until everything is yummy.

And yummy it was, too!  I just felt so virtuous eating it too!



And once again, it’s time for the weekly menu plan.   We’ve got another busy week ahead – or at least another tired week.  I’ll be keeping to pretty much the same work schedule I have been for the past few weeks – late every evening, as early as possible every morning, and one day on the weekend.  Meanwhile, Peeps spent the better part of the weekend in the car, which always takes a few days to recover from!  In addition, I hope to get started in the garden some time this week – it’s all tilled, and I’ve got the seeds.  I just need the time!  So we’re going to mostly try to keep things as simple as we can – and who knows, maybe I’ll get a row of lettuce or spinach in the ground this week.

Monday –  Our last trip to Sam’s Club, Peeps and I decided that we were past due for a pork loin – we buy them whole and butcher them into several boneless chops and a couple of roasts.  Well, we’re going to enjoy one of those roasts this week in the form of maple-glazed pork.  Alongside that, Peeps wants to roast some fingerling potatoes (which I’m not about to turn down!), and maybe some salad, or we’ll figure out something veggie-like to go with it.

Tuesday – At this point, the weather looks good for Tuesday, and Peeps wanted to grill.  (Since he’s doing more of the cooking again his week, far be it from me to object!)  I rummaged around in the freezer and came up with a misplaced package of rib-eye steaks.  Maybe with mashed potatoes and sauteed escarole?

Wednesday – I found this recipe for a Healthy Chicken Stew that  sounded quite good, so I heavily ripped it off!  Mine is similar – I used it as a starting point – but I used dried beans (I scoff at canned beans!) and leftover chicken. . .and the pressure cooker.  Basically, I tossed it together in about half an hour, and it’ll hold, with flavors mingling, until Soup Night.

Thursday – Peeps has been quick to remind me that barbecue season is just around the corner – so I would do well to get any of last year’s barbecue out of the freezer before that happens, huh?  We’ve got the last of a batch of pulled pork (with the vinegar sauce), and we’ll probably do some rice and maybe some of the collards that we canned last fall.  Even though we were less than thrilled with them – waste not, want not.  (That, and I want the quart jars back in rotation.)

Friday – And another long week ends with pizza night!  We’ll probably have some pork roast leftover, and we’ll probably also have steak, so, well, I guess we’ll see what we come up with.

Be sure to click on over to The Organizing Junkie’s Monday Menu Plan post for loads and loads of other ideas.

